Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day to all dads and dad to-be-again(Kum).

After such a long wait, we finally have the chance to meet up again and it was like a reunion of some sort at McD. We proudly and aggresively took over 5 tables like we own the place. The staff of the place might be saying, "Alamak! here they come again".

Uncle Wai started off by proudly showing off, er, I mean, showing us his Father's Day card made by Ee Jun's CEC Kindergarten which he hanged around his neck. By the way, the card was also sponsored by Esquire Kitchen because it has a sticker on it.(you know, the Valley of Ugly People according to Uncle Nic)

During the reunion, there were people saying like "Wah! so big oredi" and "Aiyo! what have you been feeding him?". It was only like a few weeks that we have not seen each other but the changes of the kids were incredible. The older kids were obviously glad to see each other and they played their hearts out. The younger ones were pampered and passed around among us, the parents. They are waiting for their turn to join in the fun and to create future chaos.

Fei Low is celebrating his first Father's Day and Nic is enjoying his first from his newborn son so this year is considered to be special. Today's outing is a casual one but next week's is forcasted to be a more formal, noisy and expensive one.

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