Thursday, September 06, 2007

Picnic At Lake Garden (Part2)

Ever notice how our kids like to climb?

"Sshhh...Quiet...The policeman is looking at us...sshhh....
Just act normal...ssshhh..."

When we grow up, we DON'T want to become policemen.

4 sekawan.

Rest for 2 minutes first then play again.
2 minutes oredi or not? Fasterlah...

Makan time.

The kids playing on the swing including the BIG child.

Isaac enjoying himself.

Packing up and going home.

"Daddy, Mummy, tomorrow come again ok?"

"Hah!?? I pengsan first!"
Picnic At Lake Garden (Part 1)

So sorry for the late posting, to tell you the truth, I've been lazy lately, not busy but lazy. I've been procrastinating for a few days oredi and finally got around to do it after some nagging from Ching Pei. So, here are the pics of the picnic.

Ever notice how our kids have the natural instincts of posing for a picture?

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